As 90s fashion returns, would the fanny pack be the next trendy?
Multiple using scenarios, such as hiking, climbing, trekking, and daily outfit, but does anyone curious what is exactly the fanny pack using for back then? Back in 1991, archaeologists discovered the OZ iceman, who lived more than 5,000 years B.C., carrying a fanny pack with him. It contained a scraper, flint, and dried mushrooms, among other belongings.

In the 16th century, fannypack was popular with European soldiers when they were in the war. By the 1960s, fanny packs became a favorite of outdoorsmen, especially skiers. They liked to wear canvas or cowhide material fanny packs, which carried emergency supplies.
In the early 1980s, the first wave of ‘athleisure dressing, where things intended for the gym made their way to the streets. So when sweatpants and track suits entered the mainstream, other sports accessories like leg warmers, bicycling sneakers, and yes, fanny packs also rode the wave.
In 1988, fannypack was named the “hottest product of the year.” Soon thereafter, they appeared in Chanel ads being worn by Claudia Schiffer.
After the 1990s, the big fashion brands no longer pursued the fannypack. It is no longer a fashion item, but it is still the favorite of travelers. Safe and convenient.
It wouldn’t be long before the fanny pack became the object of ridicule:
By the early 2000s, the fanny pack as a fashion accessory was deader than dead, and still being mocked as late as 2006 in Weird Al’s White and Nerdy video. However, the fanny pack never really disappeared — you could always buy one in your local Big Kmart.